Friday, April 23, 2010

Self Proclaimed Photographers..................

This is Christina a fellow photographer, we took photos of each other. It is weird being on the other end of the camera. Most photographers don't want to share their knowledge, but Christina and I want to help each other better out talents. I'm glad to have found someone that I can bounce ideas off of and that is so willing to help me out. I have been told my photos aren't good enough to be apart of certain things and that opened my eyes to wanting to further my knowledge. We are just two photographers doing something we are passionate about!

Miss Hannah...............

This is Miss Hannah. She is so sweet and very smart! Just look at her ,she is too cute. She has a large vocabulary and is only 18 months old, she also knows some sign language. I think I found my son Noah's future wife!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bubba Ferrin............

This is my son Bubba, no thats not his real name. I let my husband name him and I didn't like the name he came up with so I told him  I was going to call him something else. I came up with Bubba! His real name is Garrett Ryan Ferrin. He starts school this fall and I asked him what name he wants to be called by and he said Ryan. I was a little shocked that he wanted to be called Ryan, thats his dads name. Looks like there will be 2 Ryans in the house. I told Bubba he will always be Bubba to me and I wouldn't call him anything else. Just look at him.....he looks like a BUBBA!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Miss Hailey.................

This is Hailey, my sisters daughter. She is not easy to photograph! She really made me work for these shots. Hailey has a BIG personality, not sure where it came, ok it came from my side of the family. I really like how her photos turned out in black and white.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Could it be..................

This is my brother-in-law Nick and his grilfriend Laurel. They came down to visit on Spring Break and we did a mini session in Galveston. It's always good to see him when we can!

Miss Savannah

Savannah is too cute for words! I always enjoy taking her photos!


I now have 2 blogs. This blog is for my photography for the general public and my other blog is for all the foundation photography I do. In a way I feel like I need to seperate them but on the other hand feel a need to combine them. I didn't know how to combine them so I decided to make them seperate. My other blog will be centered around cancer and special needs. This blog will be centered around the photos I take of family, friends, and clients.
© Tracey Ferrin
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