Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ferrin Christmas............

I decided this year I wanted to make a movie of our Christmas and give it out to the grandparents as gifts. I normally do slideshows with picture and music but this time wanted to do something a bit different!!! Just click on the link.........Ferrin Christmas.........

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Girls just wanna have fun......................

So every once in a while I get bored.....I asked my good friend Ashley if she would come over let me do her hair, makeup, and take a few photos of her. Just because I am a  mom of 4 doesn't mean that I still don't like to have fun with my girlfriends! I still have sleep overs, hang out late with friends, and do all the things I did when I was 16. I don't believe that because we get older means we can't have fun! I am 16 at me what you will but I still laugh as much as I did when I was 16, if not more! Thanks Ashley, it was fun!!!

100 pounds gone...............

Trish is one of my good friends, at the beginning of the year she told me she wanted to lose 100 pounds! I told her that once she hit her goal I would take her out for a few photos. Not even a year later and she hit her goal!!! She uses 
Way to go Trish!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Clinique Happy Day Event.....................

If you know me, you know that being able to take photos of a bunch of women and make up was a BLAST for me! I love taking action shots, there is something special about being able to capture a real smile or laugh. I was impressed by these ladies and how much they really cared about their clients. I never realized how professional Clinique was, it sure beats going to Walgreen's for some makeup and nobody being around to help or give advice!!!

© Tracey Ferrin
CoffeeShop Designs