Saturday, September 18, 2010

Liz..........Bridal Portraits.........

 Liz is a beautiful future bride! This was my first bridal session ever and I really enjoyed it. Liz was so easy to take photos of, she did just what I asked and didn't complain once! Christina McKinney offered to come with me and help me out in case I needed her help, thank goodness she came, she was there when I had a question or just needed her advice on how to pose Liz. Thanks to Liz and Christina for allowing this session to go well!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kendra & Ira..............

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kendra and Ira.........engagements!!!!

 Kendra and Ira were so much fun to take photos of, they laughed the whole time and were such troopers. I have known Kendra since 5th grade and we lost touch through the years until we became friends on FB. I have never seen two people be so much in love....they laughed a lot, kissed a lot, fixed each others clothes and hair right before I would take a photo. It was so much fun to watch them act this way with each other! They are getting married in March 2012.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bubba Ferrin...........

 Bubba is not his "real" name....Garrett is, he goes by Ryan at school but family and friends call him Bubba (I know it can get confusing). He will be turning 6 this November, I can't believe how big he is. Bubba is all boy and looks just like his daddy. He loves to play outside with his friends, bother his sisters, and enjoys school. 

© Tracey Ferrin
CoffeeShop Designs