Monday, August 30, 2010

Fayth Ferrin...........

 Fayth is the 2nd oldest and the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She is a girly girl but don't let that fool you she will also get down and dirty. Fayth is a good sister and has a motherly instinct. She is my miracle baby, I was pregnant with her when I had cancer. She was born 6 weeks early at 3lbs and 10oz, she was a tiny little thing. She was born with a full head of hair and screaming her little lungs out. Growing up she was so loud we thought maybe she would be an opera singer till one doctors check up determined she had a hearing problem. Fayth wears hearing aids but she doesn't let that hold her back. .

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Noah Ferrin...............

 It's hard to believe that my baby boy is going to be 2 this October. It is bitter sweet to see him grow up. I have the opportunity to stay at home with him and enjoy all the sweet and annoying things he does. We take afternoon naps together and there is nothing better than rubbing his back until he falls a sleep. Noah is full of life and has a out going personality. His red hair and sweet smile stops all the ladies in their tracks. I love this little boy so much!

© Tracey Ferrin
CoffeeShop Designs